Tuesday 8 December 2015

Legally Blonde Opening

Legally Blonde Opening Sequence Analysis
The establishing shot of the Delta NU sign gives the audience an idea of the location, it is shown as quite Upper class, the pink hints  that it is a sorority due to the stereotyping of the colour pink.

The first shots of the opening sequence shows the main characters hair, showing it as blond and almost Barbie like, linking it to the title of the film.
Many close ups of the letter are used to show that it is important and also helps give a reason to show the setting around the house because it is tracking the letter.

Whilst the camera is following the letter it takes the perspective of one of the students riding in to university, it uses eye line matches to put you in the shoes of someone who goes to that university.

When the girl is going up the stair case there is a birds eye view from the top of the staircase. The girl the camera is following is holding the letter, giving away more of the setting. This also hints that the girl the camera is not h e main character, but the letter is associated with the main character.

Cross cutting is used between the letter and the main character getting ready shows how both events are happening at the same time. Slow motion is used and I think this is so represent the main characters feelings and that she does not want her perfect day to end. Action match is used when the letter slides under the door, this makes the scene flow and shows that the two things are connected. Long takes are used during the letter traveling through the seniority house so that viewers can get a grip of the surroundings.

The sound track that is used definitely portraits an up beat and happy film, it also makes you think that this setting is really active and friendly. 
The tone of the girl's voice at the end of the opening is high-pitched and girly. This follows typical stereotypes of girls.
The music repeats the phrase 'perfect day' which shows how everything is happy and good, it also may show the main characters thoughts of the day.
The dialogue reveals how the character may be rich and possibly shallow and loves money, this would follow some stereotypes of women.
Dialogue between Elle and the person she is talking to on the phone show she is interested in typically feminine activities like shopping, reinforcing the stereotyped idea the audience is forming of her.

The titles are pink, and a lot of pink is used throughout the opening sequence. The emphasises the femininity of the main characters.

The setting is used of a sorority which suggests that there will be many, energetic girls in the film.
The prop of a hair brush shows how she is a stereotypical girl who cares about her appearance.
High key lighting is used which suggests the fun and light-hearted nature of the film.
The prop of the Homecoming Queen banner shows the audience that the main character is a typically popular and pretty girly character. 

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