Tuesday 1 December 2015

Preliminary Project

In the preliminary task we had to create a shot opening sequence to a film, the sequence had to include: Match on action, shot reverse shot and 180 degree rule. Also we added an eye-line match as a part of the extension task.
    - We completed the task and completed the extension.
    - We used a variety of shots including over the shoulder, mid         shots, close ups and long shots.
    - The match on action was very smooth and clean meaning the           scene flows.
    - We could have made the scene more tense and the table flipping       should have been faster.
    - There are some small continuity errors that people could pick       up on for example at 00:17 the characters arms move from one         position to another.
    - In the first shot the tripod is visible in the glass of the         door.

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