Thursday 7 January 2016

Data From Survey

The data we collected was provided to us by survey monkey and the service they provide, the survey could have been filled in by any members of the public that have somehow stumbled upon it. Over all most of the questions had somewhat predictable answers and also gave a clear conclusion in most ways.

100% of people are comfortable with seeing someone getting killed. This is promising as when filming a horror having someone being killed can really help to build tension. We will be having a character killed off straight away, so this will influence our camera angles and shots, possibly showing someone getting killed.

However when it came to gore 70% of people said "Yes they are comfortable with gore", whereas 30% said no or maybe. This could influence how we choose to film scene which may feature gore. The main vote was for yes therefore i think we can possibly involve some blood.

When asked about the gender of the main characters the majority said male, but around about 44% said female or both. We will be having a mix of both genders in our opening sequence. 2 girls, 2 boys.

When asked about whether they were comfortable with jump scares there was mixed results with a lot of people saying Yes but also a lot saying No or Maybe. To stay on the safe side i think we will not implement jump scared into the piece as there is quite a high percent that have said no.

The choice between slasher and supernatural had a very strong win with supernatural. This will most likely influence our decisions. And make us really consider what our sub genre will be.

When asked about props, knives and children's toys cam up a lot. Although knifes came up allot i think that we will use more of a psychological horror, leaving most of the explanation up to the viewer to decide.

The setting questions had extremely mixed results with all of them being voted for almost the same amount, giving us no real conclusion.

PEOPLE WANT FIRST PERSON HORROR FILMS. I think we will be implementing this feature into the opening sequence, as i think it really adds a lot to the film and builds more tension than if it were in the third person view.

The preferred killer had an easy win with insane being the most common choice. I think we will go with the most voted, INSANE, killer.

Someone being killed at the start. I think we will be implementing this into our opening sequence and then build on the character progression.

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