Thursday 21 January 2016

Final Font Choice

We as a group have chosen this font to be in our opening sequence. The font EPICSLASH can be found on This font best fits the tone of our opening as it looks like it has been hastily righten, almost like it could have been righten with blood. The way that each indevidual letter looks like it has been righten with quick slashes also make you think that this has been done maliciously and using their finger.
This specific font is good for our genre (Horror - Supernatural) as it has all the letters displaced and righten in a way that makes it look natural and has an edge to it that most over fonts we found didn't have. The way that the text is made definitely points to supernatural rather than slasher as all the letters are at weird orientations and different spacings.
This font appeals to our target audience of below 25 because it looks like blood or spray paint and instantly makes them think of a horror film.


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