Tuesday 12 April 2016

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The Comparison
When comparing the two, you can clearly see that the preliminary task was extremely basic and many simple mistakes were made. I think this is partly to do with the fact that this was the first time I had had exposure to creating a media product and had not yet gained any real life, practical experience. Comparing them now I can see that we have used a wider variety of shots and everything looks more professional. I think that we in some way underestimated what we could do with the equipment we were given, however looking mow at the final piece I believe that I have improved a lot since then.

When editing the prelim, we knew that it would only require basic skills like cutting. All this was very simple and cannot be compared to the editing we did in our final project. Although we did try adding an element of colour correction in after effects, however, it was not as advanced as the colour correction in the final piece.
Also the prelim did not feature titles, whereas the final sequence does, lots of work go into editing and placing the titles, for example when they appear, how long they stay on the screen for, what font, what colour etc.

Sound in the preliminary project was non-diegetic and also some dialogue. The sound used in this prelim cannot nearly amount to the amount and quality of our final piece's sound.

180 degree rule, match on action and shot/reverse shot.
In the making or our preliminary project, one of our tasks was to abide by the 180 degree rule. This basically meant that we cannot switch what side we are filming from. If we wanted to switch sides, we would have to use a technique in which you move the camera from one side to another in one swift motion. In our opening sequence, we did not really have to worry about the 180 degree rule as there was no real dialogue in our piece.
Match on action and shot reverse shot were used allot in our piece as it was very fast paced. We have improved allot since the preliminary project, in our first piece you can clearly see that the footage is not flowing. Constantly throughout the opening sequence we needed to use match on action, and later on we used shot reverse shot for 

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